Joshua L. de la Bruere | @delaBJL | (563) 484-0036

Hey, I'm Joshua:

I'm an aspiring Data Scientist and current Graduate Student at WIU studying Applied Statistics & Decision Analytics. I'm passionate about data, and using data to tell stories. I'm particularly interested in the intersection of data and political science, in particular with election systems. Interested in working together? Please reach out.

After high school, I atttened a community college to find a major I would enjoy. I discovered Statistics and Political Science which I became passionate about. I decided to attend UNI with the major of actuarial science and statistics. While there I earned a minor in political science, & a certificate in statistical computing. After graduating, I was offered a job as a Data Assistant at a school district. While working there I began my MS in Applied Statistics at WIU.

In my free time I enjoy taking hikes and photographs while on trips. I enjoy large landscapes and panoramas macro shots of things with interesting textures. Usually they end up on my Instagram. I also enjoy table top/strategy games, like D&D and Heathstone. I like to tinker and learn new things, which often means I'm tweeking and revisiting old projects. Projects are never truly done, just ready for production.